Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Beginning

I can't believe I'm starting a blog. I have so enjoyed visiting my friends blogs, and food blogs, that I decided I have to start one myself. I hope someone enjoys it besides myself, and gets some useful information as well. I think since it's November and we are coming into cold and flu season, I will share my secrets, many which I have learned from my midwife, my mom, and my schooling.

So I got my first cold in over a year. It was the result of stress and lack of sleep. Since I have a 3 month old, and woke up feeling so miserable with body aches, a low-grade temperature, and sore throat and stuffy nose (I know...all the symptoms of a common cold), I went to get tested for the dreaded "swine flu" at Minute clinic. I came up negative for influenza A & B (A is most commonly associated with H1N1)--but these tests are only 50% positive. I was thinking if I were positive I would start Tamiflu in hope of saving poor Siena from the illness. But since I was negative initally, I decided to start my "fighting any virus or bacterial infection concoction" of echinacea, grapefruit seed extract, and oil of oregano, mixed in a shot glass with some grapefruit juice, or other juice. I also started drinking more water, taking E-mergency, and sleeping--a three hour nap. A little Sambucal for my cough and stuffy nose and I was good to go. Low and behold, I was feeling 90% better by Saturday, and 100% better by Sunday. I breastfed throughout the sickness, and Siena has been relatively perfect. She is a bit more clingy, and sleeping a little bit less soundly, nursing a bit more, and has an occasional cough, but I think we got off so easily. Hooray to a good immune system, and nursing a baby--she got all my antibodies and didn't even get sick.

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